
St. Ninian’s Roman Catholic Primary School in Edinburgh and we offer you a very warm welcome. It is with great pride that as Headteacher of St. Ninian’s I extend this welcome to you and our website. 

Here you will find information about the school regarding lunches, timetables, learning and homework, plus a load more in between. 

St. Ninian’s is a family school. We recognise that each child is unique and that each child has the right to achieve his or her full potential. We understand that you are entrusting us with the education of your child and we take this very seriously. 

We have a broad and balanced curriculum, which is delivered by a team of caring and committed professionals. 

As a Catholic Primary School, Christ and the Gospel values are at the heart of all we do. It is our mission to ensure that our pupils are secure and safe in their learning environment and that they receive the kind of education which offers them opportunities to maximise their talents and potential, encouraging them to be life long, successful and confident learners and responsible citizens of the future. 

Our school community—pupils, parents and staff are the heart of our school. 

I am sure that your son or daughter will have a positive learning experience and enjoy their time with us at St. Ninian’s Primary School. I look forward to working together with you in the future. 

Yours sincerely 

Angie Brack

Head Teacher

St Ninian’s RC Primary

Mission Statement

As a Roman Catholic school community, we at St. Ninian’s are committed to provide conditions and experiences that will promote the spiritual, moral, physical, social and intellectual development of all individuals to their full potential within an environment of care, respect and security.

Our mission is upheld by the following shared beliefs:

Our pupils are held in high regard and their dignity, worth and individuality is respected within the welcoming and encouraging ethos, which pervades our school promoting security and confidence in our pupils. An effective partnership links our pupil’s home family, school family and parish family, whilst all at St. Ninian’s foster close links with the local community enjoying a positive community profile.

Our curriculum is characterised by the highest standards of teaching and learning and by a constant search for continual improvement. Learning and teaching experiences are planned, purposeful and matched to the needs, abilities and readiness of our pupils. Our approach to discipline reflects our Christian values, and we emphasise patience, forgiveness and reconciliation. Prayer and worship are an important distinctive feature of our school and our values are evident in our staff’s interactions with pupils and each other. Expectations are high for all.

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Dear Parents/Guardians
This is a reminder that if you wish to purchase school uniform you can do this online via our online shop at: https://stniniansps.imagescotland.com/
Orders can be delivered to the school (free of charge) or delivered to your home address but you will be charged for delivery. School ties are available from the school office at a cost of £4.00 each
